Saturday, December 18, 2010

another semester down

So I am finished with my third semester at Northwest University. Grades aren't all in yet but so far it looks like my lowest will be a C in Pentateuch. Currently my transcript shows a 4.00 because only one grade has been reported. :p I'm at home in Randle for Christmas vacation now and I'm bored. I have all five seasons of Doctor Who to work through, although, a book i might read, and I borrowed a couple games to play. I can keep myself entertained this month but I'm going to miss everyone. It's the very beginning of Christmas break and I'm sick. Go figure. So far its just a sore throat ans stuffy nose.
Registration for next semester is still iffy. It's times like these I really don't like Northwest, but others I love it. I'm hoping and praying that student accounts will stop being so stuffy and let me register.
I'm only one cord away from having a working camera for filming. Unfortunately this cord isn't very common. I found it at Radioshack but it was like 30$. So I found it online for 5$ and will be ordering it soon.
Annoyance of the day:
commercials that compare their products to something that isn't even supposed to be the same. Just saw a pizza commercial that was comparing the price of their pizza to the standard delivery pizza place. But they were comparing take and bake to delivery. of course delivery might have more fees because they have to pay the driver for gas as well.
Another one that annoys me is when name brand clothing stores make comparisons to cheaper retail stores. Sure technically they sell the same kind of product, but different people go to each store for different reasons.

Ok. I'm really tired. I'm still recovering from dead week and finals week. I'll try to think of some more entertaining stuff to write later since I have time.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

End of semester hecticness

Is that a word?
I haven't been posting on here the past couple weeks because it is the end of the semester and I have a ton of things to do. So really I just don't have much time. This week is dead week. The idea behind that name is that professors shouldn't assign anything new during this time, so everything is supposed to be dead for studying. The real meaning is that dead week is when everything is due and students are freaking out trying to get everything done. They can get so tired that sometimes they feel dead. Anyway that's what I'm dealing with right now. I'm living in the library to get things done, caffeine has become a necessity, even more than it was before, and I'm getting less sleep then I should. But this is only one week, then finals week should actually be pretty calm. Typically you picture finals week to be the hectic week, but really its not. Dead week is way worse, once you get that out of the way then studying for exams seems relatively easy. At least that's been my experience.