Saturday, January 22, 2011

My First Vlog

Alright so I'm nervous but here it is.

I did get the cord for my camera so you can expect to see videos from me every once in a while. Hopefully I gather a following that will actually motivate me to keep doing this.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

No resolutions, just life

Normally at this point many people are writing a blog about their goals or resolutions for the new year, I'm not, I'm just writing about life as it happens. I haven’t written a blog for almost a whole month because my winter break was uneventful and there was nothing to write about.

Ok so the big update. All my financial stuff came through and I did register for class. By the grace of God I was able to get a loan to cover fall semester. It was frustrating that even though I was staying in my dorm (which I really wasn’t supposed to but I stayed as a guest, not a resident) I couldn’t do every day things because I wasn’t registered. I was able to eat in the Caf for the first few days because they weren’t really checking IDs that much. But then they did start having everyone scan their cards and mine wouldn’t work. So I had to either pay cash to eat in the Caf or get food elsewhere. I went to class anyway and just told the professors that I had to register late, but I couldn’t buy books yet and so couldn’t even do the homework. I wasn’t even able to go work out in the gym. I’m just glad it’s taken care of now. I just need a job now though. I’ve needed one for a while, but honestly have just been really lazy and I don’t understand how I was so lazy.

The past couple of days have been kind of fun, when I wasn’t frustrated at the bank. Tuesday night we had snow and a bunch of us were out playing in it for a few hours. Well first, some of the girls had come over for visitation and when they needed to leave we noticed there was a giant snowball fight right outside the door. So we filled up a bunch of squirt guns and charged through the fight spraying people until we got to the girls dorms. After that I went in to get my boots and we had a continuous snowball fight that lasted for about 2 hours and covered most of the campus. We only stopped fighting each other to attack another group of people we had run into. So for almost 2 hours straight I was running around in the snow with heavy boots, I think I got my work out for the day. Yesterday after youth I went to the skating rink where Student government had rented out the entire building for the night and we only had to pay for skates. We were there for two hours and I was skating for most of it. Once again I think I got my workout for the day. And I managed to not fall at all! I did cause someone to fall once though.

My schedule this semester is weird. Every day is different. Normally MWF and TTh are the same, not this time. On Monday my first class is at 9, it’s technically a MWF class but he has said that we only need to go to one class a week and watch the lectures online, so I am only going on Mondays. My next class is Monday and Friday only, so on Wednesday I don’t have anything until 11. After that class on Mondays I have chapel, then lunch then another class at 1:40. On Tuesday I have two classes, one at 11 the other at 1:30, Wednesday I have Chapel then the 1:40 class, Thursday I only have one class at 11. Then Friday I start at 10, then have chapel and my afternoon class. It’s so confusing. And I probably could explain it better but its 11:30 at night and I’m tired.

Now that I know I will be staying in the dorms and my address isn’t going to change anytime soon, I have ordered the cord I need for my camera. I plan to start vlogging as soon as I get it. The only problem is I have no clue what I’m going to talk about. I don’t want these videos to just always be me rambling about nothing in particular. I want to have some sort of topic; you should give me some ideas. My plan is to have either a blog or a video up at least every weekend. I expect you to keep me accountable to that. I may post more depending on if stuff is happening that week.