Thursday, December 3, 2009

Photoshop diety?

This morning I gave a short Sunday school type lesson in class. I was speaking about how we need Gods help to do certain things. Mainly certain things like breaking addictions, changing habits, or improving our character. I have seen so many people try to do things by themselves and have little success. Many of these people get stuck in their addictions and can't change. Through some random thinking I decided to compare God to photoshop. If you have a photo and you don't like something in it, say you find a zit, or you have red eye, or even damage to the photo. What do you do? You take the picture to an editing program and remove it. Just like in life if you find something you don't like: addictions or bad personality, you take it to God and he has the power to remove it. I don't know what anyone is supposed to take from this. My mind makes random connections. maybe someone understands this.